Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tracking at its best.

This is a post for those who need some help with tracking.

This is going to refer to Affiliate Toolbox that is the site I use for tracking.

So lets get started with why you should use tracking

Tracking can show you a lot of different things.

  1. Show you how many people are viewing your site
  2. Show you how many people are clicking on your links
  3. Show you where those views and clicks are coming from.
  4. Show you how many people are revisiting your sites from your links.
So now what does all of this mean to you.

Well if you can figure out how many people are visiting your sites it will show you how well your advertising is doing.

But the problem with people just viewing your site is not just enough.  Lets use an example.

Lets say you have two different places or sources that are showing the same splash page or ad.

So they are both getting lets say 2000 hits or views per day.  Now this is just for example.

So the first source is getting 2000 views,  without tracking you would think this site is doing pretty good.

But lets say source 1 is only getting 10 people to click on that link that they are seeing.

So you have a 0.5% rate so that's not too bad.  But then you are only get 1 referral out of those 10 people.
now you are down to a 0.1% rate for sign ups.  So if it took you a hour to set up that ad to get 2000 views and for that one sign up lets say you are promoting something that will pay you say $10.  That's not too bad right that still 10 per hour of work.

Now lets look at Source 2 say you got the same amount of views 2000 and it took you half a hour to set up to get those 2000 views.  Lets say you got 20 clicks to that ad.  So that would put you at a 1% rate which is better then source 1 right.  Well that is where tracking comes in.  Say for those 20 clicks that you got.  You get 3 sign ups to the same ad.  So that would be $30 you made right in half of the time.  

So if you have your tracking set up you will get all of this information.  Now just thinking that this is a perfect world and source 1 and source 2 are going to keep getting the same results all of the time.  So then you see this so the next day instead of spending that one hour at source 1 you use that extra hour at source 2.

So now you have spent 1 in a half hours at source 2 and in half an hour you got 2000 views.  So now you would have got 6000 views, and at the same rate as the day before you will get 60 clicks from the same amount of work.  So you had a 15% rate the day before for sign ups to clicks.  So then today you should get 9 sign up from the same amount of work.  Right so lets compare all of it now.

Day 1 you spent One in a half hours for 4 sign ups which made you $40 for that day that's about $27 per hour.  Not too bad right.

Day 2 you spent One in a half hours for 9 sign up which made you $90 for that day that's about $60 per hour.  Now doesn't that seem a lot better.

Now if you are having problems setting this up at Affiliate Toolbox you can contact me at the social networks to the side of this post.  

But I will go over a few of the basic's.

There will normally be a tab or something that is labeled something like Links, Sites, something like that.

So what you are going to want to do is go to the site that you want to track.  Bring it over to your tracking site and you should see a box for The name which will be what ever you want to put in there so you know what site its for.  I normally just use the sites name itself.  Then will be another box below that or above on some tracking sites.  That is where you are going to paste the whole url into that box including the http://.

Then you will take the new link that they provide you with and this will be the link you will put on your advertising sites.  If you are using Affiliate Toolbox you can even add at the end of the new link &src=whatever you want the source to be.  For example Blog, email, list, main site, anything like that then it will show that as the source so you can see where they are clicking on the link from.

If you are using an autoresponder and you are using Affiliate Toolbox you can send them to your Thank you page.  After they submit their information.  So you can show them other offers while they are waiting for your email from your autoresponder.  If you would like to know how to do this I have a blog post about that too but it is with List Wire.  But I'm sure it is about the same at the bigger autoresponders.  

Well I hope this will help you.  If you liked this post please share it with your friends you can use the links off to the right to share this very easily.  If there is something that is still unclear please leave me a comment below and I will try to add any information that I can.

If you see any other problems with any of my other post as well please leave me a comment I would like to fix them so I'm only showing the most complete information that I can.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Start your day off in the right direction

Alright here is a great way to start your day.

Here is something that I would like to share with you today.

I found this video online a while back but I missed the massage a little bit but I have watched it everyday to start my day and I finally got the whole message out of it.

The success doesn't come from anywhere else but it comes from inside of you.  I know what people think about this I have tried to change things, I have thought about change, but I don't know how.

This isn't because you don't have to do anything hard.  You just have to change your standards.  Now I know you are thinking that is could be hard but its not.  All you have to do is take action.  What ever you decide you want to change is to change it everyday.

Stay with your discussion and do it everyday in any form.  If you do this everyday you will see a change you will see results.  Now I'm not the best one to explain this so now I will turn you over to Tony Robbins. 

Let him change your life.  Please watch the whole video I will promise you that this will help you.  If you need to watch it everyday like I did you will get it after a while.

Free video for you to check out this will excite you:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLu-qYS92lw

Thanks talk to you later.  

Thursday, March 7, 2013

How to Build a Splash Page with List wire and Affiliate Toolbox

This will show you how to make a splash page using List wire and Affiliate Toolbox.

Alright so if you are using List Wire with I have looking online not much on how to use it.

So I will show you how to get everything set up there for your splash page to get them to work how you want them to.

To start out we will go over to list wire first to make a subscription form.  To get the code for your splash page.

Go to your Home page at list wire if you are not a member there yet you can sign up here its a free autoresponder.  List Wire.  Then go to your Prospect Page and then click on the Subscription Form.  Then click on add a new form.  You Should See a page that looks like this.

Now that you are here you will see a spot that will say Form Redirect URL:  

This is where you are going to want to get your thank you page url from Affiliate Toolbox.

At Affiliate Toolbox you will want to go to the tracking tab.  Click on that if you haven't set up any tracking sites yet you will want to at least set up one there so you can get the Thank you page url.  If you don't have a url that you want to track yet then just go to your Affiliates tab and copy that url at the top of the screen and add a tracking link for Affiliate Toolbox.

Then you will just click on the on view stats and you should get to a page that looks like this.

Alright now that you have gotten here you will want to copy the Thank you Page url.  Which as you can see on my screen that url is http://trks.us/ty25233.  So you will want to take that back over to list wire.  Paste that link into the Form Redirect Url.  That way when they sign up for your list it will send them to your thank you page from Affiliate Toolbox.  Which will look something like this.

Alright now that you have that done you will want to go back over to List Wire.  Fill out the rest of the options page for the Subscription form.  Then click on the next page this is where you will put the content into the form.  

Fill in your Form Editor you will have to leave the email line but if you would like to you can take out the Name line.  There is a Live preview if you would like to see what your form looks like before you save it.  If you would like to make a special field you can do that at the Form Fields.  But for you first splash page I would recommend just going with the email line people don't mind as much if they can just enter their email.  

After you have saved your form you will come to a page that looks like this.  

Now that you are here click on the get code text.  You will get a pop up that will show two codes you will want to copy the whole HTML code which will be in the second window you see that says this above it.  "The code below is the raw HTML"  Take that code over to Affiliate Toolbox.

Now you will want to got to your Ad Designer tab-Splash Maker  click on the create new.  You will get to the page that you can start building your page.  Pick your background colors, form color, Header, Text,  but then in area 1 that is where you can put in your Code that you got from List Wire so it will put in your Subscription form.  Then scroll down and click save. 

If you would like to see an already made splash page to see what it looks like or for some ideas you can check out one of my splash pages.  Preview a finished splash page.

Thank you for your time I would love to here some peoples comments on this and let me know if there is anything that I missed.  Or if you find another place to find information about how to use List Wire.

If you have any question you can find me at the social networks listed to the side of this blog.  Thanks again and I hope this will help some of you.

Stop Dreaming and start living your dreams.


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Alright I have seen this Company advertised a lot.

This is a older system but I have seen a lot of Ads for it lately.

So just as promised I told you I would be starting a new review sections so here is the start of it.

Alright the name of the company that is on main purpose of this promote is the ZNZ one.  Now I don't know if you have heard about this program or not.  But the one that I have seen is a different name but it has promotional tools that help you promote ZNZone.  So here is the link that you will find the video at.

Laid off to paid off

Now to explain the program and the pros and cons of the program this system isn't really that hard to explain it is pretty simple.

Alright for the pros.

  • 100% free if you pick the right offer.
  • Easy to get started 
  • Lifetime membership after completing the offers
  • Get lots of promotional tools
  • Good information on how to promote the program.
Now for a little more details the 100% free is true.  Because there are a lot of offers that you can sign up for a free trial membership to get qualified.  Now the catch is this that after the trial membership you will have to cancel before the trail ends or they will charge you the membership fee every month until you cancel.

So my advice if you would like to try this and you want to pick a free trail offer make sure you write down a list of things.

  1. How long the trail lasts for so you will know when to cancel if you would like normally a few days before the trial is going to end.
  2. How to cancel.  Make sure you find out what you have to do to cancel.  Write down the number that you need to call or where to find the cancel area in the members area.  Most offer will tell you this if you do some looking around before you every sign up.
  3. What the company name really is so if you do get a charge you will know where the charge came from if you forgot to cancel.
Easy to get started well all you have to do to get started is to complete enough offers to get qualified.  Normally this only takes one offer but some will only give you half credit so make sure you look to make sure you get one full credit.  Then you are qualified to get paid from all of the people you refer and that also get qualified.

After that Lifetime membership after you are qualified that is it you are a member for life nothing more to sign up for nothing more to buy or pay just promote and help others get qualified.

They have a lot of promotional tools for you to use if you don't know how to do this.  Like classified ads, banners, emails, stuff like that and some places where you can promote Laid off to paid off.

Now for the Cons.  Some of these were already kind of explained up top.

  1. Having a hard time to cancel some trail offers.
  2. Some times having problems getting offers to credit.
  3. Still have to promote and refer others.
Number 1 was pretty much explained up top if you follow those steps you shouldn't have too much problems with that con.

Number 2 This one can be avoided as well with some pre-planning.

  1. Write down the name of the offer and the company name.
  2. Write down the date that you signed up. 
  3. Your user name, Id, email, stuff like that.  Information that you use to sign up for the offer.
  4. If they give you a confirmation number write that down.
Number 3 really isn't a con but I put it down here because most people don't like or are not good at doing this part of online marketing.  But with the tools and information that you get in this program it's really not that hard but it will take some work.

Well I hope this will help you decide what you think of this program.  To answer the biggest question about this program that most people always ask.

Is this a scam program.  The answer to that is no.  They will pay, they will try to work with you to get you credited for all of your offers.  So this would be a recommended programs as long as you are ok with having to do a little work but there is no pressure because once you are qualified you can make $20 without worrying about paying anything extra.

Please check out some of my other post if you would like some more help on promoting and places to promote for free.

Feel free to leave comments or question about this program I would like to hear what others think about these kind of programs.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Today is the day the new mailer from Matt Graves.

I'm going to keep this kind of short for today have a lot of promoting to do with this great new program.

If you read yesterday's blog you will know that he is offering 100% commissions, and a new branding bar at the top of the emails.

There are some many other great options that you really should check out this video on the sign up page and listen to him tell you all about the program.

Well here is the link http://www.100PercentMailer.com/home.asp?rid=165

Well I hope to talk to you more tomorrow after getting everything done today.  So look forward to tomorrows I will probable talk about something cool that happens.

Make sure you check out my other blog post and again feel free to leave comments so I know what you think and can make them better.  Later.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Just a Heads up on a New type of Mailer coming out tomorrow

This is going to be a huge step up for mailer systems.

So I can't give away everything yet because it doesn't go live until tomorrow but I will let you know about some of the things that I can release.  I will write a new post tomorrow with the link in it so you can watch the video and find out the rest.

The first thing that I want to tell you about is the crazies thing about this program.  It's going to pay 100% commissions.  So yes that really mean that if you get just one other person to join this great program and your subscription will be free.  

The other option that I would like to tell you about that I can release is the branding bar this is the one that is going to set a new trend in the mailer systems.  It's going to put your name, picture, and social networks at the top of every email.

So what does this mean.  While I know it doesn't sound like much but this will make it really easy for your prospects to connect with you.  They will see your face on every email so they will know who is sending them the emails so if you are good to them and help them once even if they don't sign up for one of your lists.
They will know that you helped them once and be more likely to join other programs that you might be promoting.

As long as promote programs that aren't scam and that really help people solve their problems then you will start to build a good reputation.  That will make people start talking about you and help you advertise by the best way of advertising word of mouth.  That is the fastest and the best way to get people to see that you are really there to help them.  With all of the other guru's out there that are making product after product that doesn't work they need someone that they can trust.

Well make sure you tune in tomorrow for the link.  More information about this great new Mailer system you will not be disappointed I promise.

Make sure you check out my other post and share as many as you want if you like the content.  Don't be shy your comments are always welcome.  I love feed back good or bad always helps to make the posts better.

Just a new thing that I'm going to give a shot now that my blog is getting more exposure I would like to hear some comments about any other programs that you would like me to check out for you I will be starting a new section for reviews.  I'm really excited about this because it will help you find the programs that work and the ones that don't.  But I will not tell you which ones are good or bad just what you can expect to find inside of the programs and then you can make your own decisions about the program yourself. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Following your dreams!

Follow your dreams and get your freedom!

I'm sure you have heard other people talk about this and I know it sounds like a long stretch for most of us.  The truth is that it's not as far out of reach as most people think it is.

I know what my dreams are and I know how to get them and make them come true.  Does that mean I have already done so.   The answer would be NO.  Why you ask because if it was that easy then everyone would have got everything they dreamed for when they were born the truth is that just because they are not that far out of reach doesn't mean that we don't have to work for them.

That is what I want to talk to you about today.  You don't have to do the work all by yourself just because it is your dreams that you are reaching for doesn't mean that you can't ask for help getting them.  

Now I know this days it seems like we are all alone because it is hard to find someone that you can trust and believe in and then when you do find them you don't know if you can trust them because of all of the other people that you talked to before and thought that you could trust just to have them let you down.  I know the feeling I've been there done that it stinks.

I'm glad to say that there are some people out there that are willing to help you out without asking for much.  I say much in a general term because most people think that as soon as you saw they are asking for something in return everyone first thinks of money.  Well that is not what I mean when I saw asking for much.  There are a lot of people out there like me and a few other people that I know that are just in it because we like to help people so our pay back from you is seeing you reach your goals or your dream.  

In this new day and age of Online marketing the old stuff that everyone use to use just doesn't work that well any more and the one thing that has always worked and will always continue to work is friendship or relationships with the people that you are trying to promote to.

Lets face the facts if there were two people standing in front of a super market holding a sign that they were selling the same thing which one would you go to if you were interested in the product that they were selling?  
Ok so now let see which one you would choose the first one you see holding the sign is someone that you have never seen before but he is out front so you start walking toward him you see the other guy that was holding the same exact sign but you notice that he is someone from your community.  So now think about how you are going to answer the question from before.

That's right you are going to probable pick the guy from your community why because you know who he is you have probable talked to him and you are going to trust what he says more then you are going to trust someone that you have never seen or talked to.

Now I know online its a little different because you don't normally get to see the person you are talking to but if you have spent some time talking to them or chatting with them then you are going to be more likely to trust them then someone that you have never talked to before.

So now I will give you that chance to get to know me I would love to help you with any question that you might have about online marketing or just working from home in general.  I'm not going to claim to know everything but I know a lot of people that have been doing this for a long time so I could ask them and probable get the answer for you.  I would love to do that for anyone that is interested in getting started in online work. 

Now for my reasoning.  This is the good part the main reason I like helping people with this is because there are too many of the guru's these days that tell you they are going to tell you a secret about the online work but they leave out one small part that really makes them the most money.  I don't know of any secrets because there isn't really any secrets to it.  It's just the fact of following a few steps and taking action, and the main secret is to stick with it.

Well I hope you all enjoyed today's post and if you would like to chat or ask me any questions please contact me at one of these networks listed below.

Skype me:  fundawg58

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/Fundawg58

Please make sure if you like this post to share this or if you have a comment please leave it below.

Make sure you check out my other post as well there is plenty of information for you to read about.