Monday, February 18, 2013

Just my true feelings today!

Read at your own risk just want to let you know there might be some of this you might not want to hear.

I saw a video today that made me think about this blog post so I don't have the link to the video so I can't show you the one I'm talking about but it made me kind of mad because I have seen lots of videos showing a lot of the same things right now.

I'm sure you have heard this in some video before.  "This program will save you from all of the trail and error that everyone seems to go through."  Now what I don't get is if there is so many of these programs that will save you all of the trail and error then way is everyone still going through the same trail and error to make this business work.

Well I will try and explain it the best that I can.  Everyone still has to go through the trail and error process I don't care who you are or what program you decide to use.  The main reason for this is because I could set here and tell you the same thing about all of the programs that I use.  But the truth is I don't because I can't predict what is going to work for you.  Nobody is the same so the tools that I use will work for everyone but not everyone will like using them.  I use the ones that I like and that fit my strengths and that is why there is no program out there that can say they are going to solve all of your problems with one program.

So as far as using the tools that work the best and get results is a great way for advertising that is why we need to tell people what the program will offer and let them decide if that is what they are looking for.  Because the biggest thing that most people fail to see it that it takes more then just good tools to make a program work for someone.

I'm going to use the Traffic exchanges that I use as an example.  They are Deepseahits, Hitsafari, Soaring4traffic, and Realhitz4U.  Now the reason for using those four traffic exchanges.  If you have been online for a while you have probable seen or heard about TEHoopla is a traffic exchange ranking site.  They sites are ranked by results and how many new people are joining everyday.

If you go there and look up all four of those TE's they are not all ranked in the top some of them are but not all of them.  So why would I use them instead of the ones that get the best results.  Well let me tell you.

I use them all because if you surf 200 pages per day at Hitsafari, Soaring4Traffic, and RealHitz4U you get 30 extra credits at all three of them for the day, and you get an extra 100 power points per day.  Now if you do that 5 days a week you get another 500 power points for that week.  Then another 500 power points for doing that 20 times in a month so that is an extra.  So say you do that for just the 20 days per month.  2000 extra points for the daily surfing,  2000 extra points for the weekly surfing,  and then an extra 500 points for the month 4500 points per month.  Now you can use those points for more credits, banner imp, or text imp, or the one that I go for a month upgrade at one of the sites.  If you have a hard time referring people then you can get the upgrade at RealHitz4U and get random referrals.  All of that just from surfing so there are a lot of benefits that I like there.

So what is the point you ask.  Well maybe John Doe over here is great at referring people and doesn't like to surf that many sites per day.  Well over at the other traffic exchanges maybe he will get more credits while surfing like at Commando Surf that if you surf at Tezak Traffic Power, Traffic-Splash, and Dragon Surf at the same time you will receive 100% active bonus while you are surfing.  So everyone likes something different so you have to tell them what the program you are promoting has to offer and let them decide what benefits work best for them.

So just because someone says that their program has everything that you need but gives you no benefits of the program then they are probable trying to hide something or they are trying to get you on a list which is fine as long as they give you the information about the benefits a little bit before they expect you to pay for anything.  I wouldn't ever sign up for an program that is going to try and charge you anything before you get to see what they have to offer.  So be careful with that.  Make sure they are giving you the answers to your questions before they ever ask for any money.

That is why in my list and my other programs that I really recommend people contact me before they join any programs that I have suggested to them because if you still have question about what the program has to offer I would love to explain it in more details so you don't sign up for something of mine and say this isn't what I need or want.  I want my people to know exactly what they are getting before they sign up or spend any of their money because I will tell you right now some of the programs that I like aren't right for everyone.

So if you are having a problem with any program or just a general question even if you are not on any of my list please contact me I can answer just about any question you could think of about online marketing and if I can't I have lots of friends that would probable know the answer so please ask.  I love helping people so even if you don't want to join my list or join any of my programs you can still ask me questions about anything.

Best place to contact me is Skype:  fundawg58  if you don't have a skype account you can get one free at but if you don't want to get a skype account you can contact me at.


Well I hope this will help someone get started and if this didn't help or answer any questions please ask I will not try to promote anything to you that you don't want.  I will never bother you to join anything unless you ask for it first.    "The only stupid question is the one not asked"    Great saying don't remember who said it.  LOL

Please check out some of my other blogs too for more information.  Have a great day.  Never give up on your dreams.

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