Saturday, February 9, 2013

If working online is easy why doesn't everyone do it.

This is probable one of the most asked question.

A lot of my newer people have been asking this question a lot lately.  So I thought I would help answer it for everyone.

Here is the main point that I would like to get across.  Working online is still a job you still have to do work to get paid.  If you see an offer that says that you can push a button and the next day you could be rich.  Well we all know that if that were true everyone would do it.  The fact is though you still have to work at it.

So remember this for anytime you are reading a splash page that sounds too good to be true then it probable is.

You just need to stick to it and find a way to make it work.

So why doesn't everyone work online?  That was the normal question.

So the reason for this is, is because everyone is looking for that easy way out and I think that is one of the reason's that we have so many kids getting in trouble this days.  No one wants to work these days.  When the going gets tough they just quit and try something else and then end up giving up on ever thing.

So if this is something that you want to do you have to work at it and don't every stop trying to find that one thing that will work for you.

So one of my favorite sayings is so true.  "Winners never quit and quitters never win."

Well I hope this will help someone out please make sure you check out some of my other blog posts.

Jerry N. Kramer

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